Materials from Conference

Duběda, T. – Mraček, D. – Obdržálková, V. (2018): Překlad do nemateřského jazyka: fakta, otázky, perspektivy [Translating into a Non-Mother Tongue: Facts, Questions, Perspectives] [La traduction dans une langue non maternelle : faits, questions, perspectives]


People interested in L2 translation and in sharing bibliographical references. The purpose is to know who the members of this “community” are and maybe foster cooperation. Just write down your name and e-mail address at:

Reference list. Divided into quite broad theme sections but open to modifications, additions, etc. Just copy and paste your own references or other authors’. No need to follow any referencing style in particular. Please provide URL whenever possible for download purposes, especially links to pre- or post-print documents when final paper is not freely available.